Friday, March 19, 2010

The Bayside Historical Preservation Society (BHPS) Spring 2010 newsletter arrived today, complete with the brief article I wrote about Sunnyside. I read it and thought of all the things I left out and all the things I could have said about the cottage. One of the big goofs in the article was not mentioning that when we cleaned the house out of its contents, most of the good period pieces went into storage at Little Bohemia to be used again once we get the house up and running. I did manage to give several pieces to the BHPS for their cottage, including an aesthetic movement settee with its original crushed red velvet upholstery and wood frame complete with carved dolphins! (The chair and ottoman went to a local Bayside personality) I also handed over a 12 foot long American flag that was stuffed in a drawer upstairs. I wanted to keep the flag, but didn't know where to put it or how to work it into a rental house. Anyway, lest anyone think that we did not honor any of the furnishings, this entry is here to tell you that we did!

Speaking of furnishings, I was able to buy a number of things at auction the other night that will be perfect for the cottage, including two really nice wooden rocking chairs for the front porch, a great modern Gothic side table, and a funky farm cupboard in old paint.

This weekend will be all Sunnyside all the time.


  1. Can you tell me who has the flag? It was a memorial flag in honor of my Dad. I asked about it and was told that it was thrown out. It made me sick and very sad.

  2. Wow, sorry not to know that. I figured it was one of the old flags with which people used to dress their cottages. Easily returnable I think. I gave it to Beverly Crofoot for the historical society. It is an 8' x 12' 48 star flag with two or three mouse holes in it.

    Please email me directly at if you would like it returned and I will get it from Beverly. If you want to leave it with the historical society, I will make sure that your name is associated with it rather than mine. It was not mine to give away.

  3. Ok, straightened out the flag situation, it was not the flag she thought.
