Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random images from today. I went over to the cottage today and found Seth hard at work cleaning up from Seth and Greg's last project of getting stairs in and sistering the stringers on the second floor. When I went over there yesterday, I could barely contain my overwhelmed self by the sheer messiness of the place. So I pitched in and we got most of the cottage somewhat clean. I have some organizing to do, but I thought I would share photos of today.

I was out on the second floor balcony when the snow started this afternoon around 3pm. Here is the view from the balcony back towards Merithew Square.

Seth did a fine job cleaning up the second floor and organizing. The trusses at the far end of the room are just temps, that's why they are not straight. I am standing in the sliding glass door to the deck and looking back through the space. This used to be four bedrooms! When we got the house, two the walls had been removed. The bedrooms are good sized now and we'll keep it that way, otherwise there wouldn't be much room for anything larger than a double in each bedroom.

I love the shape of the tree through the sliding glass doors of the master bedroom

Things are looking up and very well framed!

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